“The Keys of Noah” is being PUBLISHED!!

I am pleased to announce my first adventure novel, “The Keys of Noah”, is now in print!

I am expecting the book’s release in May, 2019. It has undergone its first edit with extremely favourable comments from the content editor for Westbow Press.

The editor stated in her letter that “The Keys of Noah” contains “so many excellent elements: the descriptions, the plot of the golden key, history, and  the adventures of the characters. The lure of an ancient secret coming to revelation in today’s world will be a winner for many readers, young and old.”

Westbow Publishing has expressed interest in adding this adventure novel to an industry list where certain novels are placed for consideration by over a hundred production companies looking for ideas for movies and television series. This is very exciting!

I appreciate the favourable comments from the editor, and I am excited for the release of my book in the near future. I know you will enjoy reading this epic adventure as much as I enjoyed writing it. I will keep you updated.

Robert Michael Frost